If you are meditating to attain mental tranquility, to escape from the reality, to feel grounded or control the mind- STOP.
Meditation is not just a technique or a method. It is not to gain mastery over mind nor to escape from reality. If it is to feel calm or to escape reality that you want, you could simply use alcohol or psychedelic substances. Why meditate?
This pursuit of calming the mind or escaping the reality reinforces the illusion of self(ego), perpetuating the very problem that we seek to address.
It's a state of being which pervades all aspects of life. It's to dissolve the illusion of self- the ego. One must observe their thoughts, their emotions and actions without judgement. This constant state of true observation and enquiry, understanding the limitations of ego and transcending it, is meditation.
Tranquility emerges, as a consequence, in this state of being.